3 Tree Re­lat­ed Ac­tiv­i­ties for Kids

Is it your kids sum­mer hol­i­days? Are they bored out of their mind? Or are they just spend­ing all day on the iPad? Ei­ther way, it’s time to in­tro­duce them to the great out­doors. The num­ber of ac­tiv­i­ties you can do out­side are lim­it­less, but kids these days don’t know what to do when they’re told to play out­side. It’s not their fault. They just haven’t been ex­posed to all the great things they can do.

Since we love trees, we’ve de­cid­ed to give you 3 great tree-re­lat­ed ac­tiv­i­ties for your kids to en­joy and appreciate.


Tree­hous­es might sound cliché, but they are eas­i­ly one of the best ideas. It’s great ex­er­cise for both kids and adults, and gives them a chance to bond. As a bonus, your chil­dren get a pri­vate place to go to in the gar­den. It does­n’t have to be so­phis­ti­cat­ed with in­di­vid­ual rooms and win­dows, just a roof and a place to sit. If you’re skilled at wood­work, you can add in more details.

Build a scrapbook

My par­ents gave me this great idea one sum­mer hol­i­day. They bought me a scrap­book and told me to col­lect leaves from dif­fer­ent trees in our gar­den and the park. I past­ed the leaves in the scrap­book and us­ing a book from the li­brary, I iden­ti­fied all the types and wrote a few in­ter­est­ing facts about each un­der the past­ed leaf. I learnt a lot, en­joyed that sum­mer, and was out of my moth­er’s hair for the summer ;)

Arts and craft projects

Get your kid busy with DIY arts and craft projects us­ing fall­en bark and twigs from trees. There are so many great ideas on Pin­ter­est and YouTube where you use bits of trees in an art project. You can cre­ate bowls, key­chains, mag­nets, and oth­er cool dec­o­ra­tive pieces for your home.

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