Each Ton of Re­cy­cled Pa­per Saves 17 Trees

Sur­pris­ing­ly, not many peo­ple know that pa­per comes from trees. I guess it’s one of those things that peo­ple don’t give a sec­ond thought about. Like when was the last time you thought about how glass is made? Or where plas­tic comes from?

Un­less you’ve stud­ied ba­sic-lev­el sci­ences, not many peo­ple are aware of how piv­otal trees are in keep­ing this world, and us, alive. A brief bi­ol­o­gy les­son tells you that hu­mans need oxy­gen to sur­vive, and the biggest oxy­gen pro­duc­tion unit on Earth is trees. Not on­ly do they let us breathe, they are home to thou­sands of species of an­i­mals and in­sects. They keep the soil sta­ble, and pre­vent erosion.

In short, re­mov­ing trees is bad for us and our planet.

Be­cause trees are use­ful in so many oth­er ma­te­ri­al­is­tic ways, such as for fire­wood and build­ing ma­te­r­i­al for homes and fur­ni­ture, they are be­ing cut down at an alarm­ing rate. Glob­al warm­ing is a ma­jor cause for con­cern every­where, and it is most­ly a con­se­quence of loos­ing dense forests that once cov­ered large por­tions of land.

While ask­ing man to stop build­ing out of wood is the best op­tion, a more vi­able al­ter­na­tive is to re­cy­cle what we have al­ready tak­en from Moth­er Earth. Pa­per is used every­day, every minute. Elec­tron­ic de­vices are do­ing a great job in re­plac­ing the need for print­ed ma­te­r­i­al and books, yet con­sump­tion of pa­per remains.

Rather than throw pa­per you no longer need in the thrash, a great and more pro­found op­tion is to re­cy­cle it. Gath­er news­pa­pers, mag­a­zines, an­noy­ing newslet­ters and pam­phlets you’re most like­ly nev­er go­ing to need and have them recycled.

Ac­cord­ing to the Uni­ver­si­ty of South­ern In­di­ana, “Each ton (2000 pounds) of re­cy­cled pa­per can save 17 trees, 380 gal­lons of oil, three cu­bic yards of land­fill space, 4000 kilo­watts of en­er­gy, and 7000 gal­lons of wa­ter. This rep­re­sents a 64% en­er­gy sav­ings, a 58% wa­ter sav­ings, and 60 pounds less of air pollution!”

So re­cy­cling pa­per not on­ly saves tree, it saves you, me and every­body else on this green planet.

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