Fam­i­ly Tree Ketubahs

Many, many years ago your great-great-great-grand­par­ents were sign­ing their ke­tubah, as you will some time soon. At the time it was just the two of them, but now decades lat­er you’re a small part of a large fam­i­ly. It won’t be sur­pris­ing if you don’t even know half your rel­a­tives, but the ones you do know are your sup­port sys­tem. Whether you dis­agree or not, you can al­ways count on them to be there for you.

Ju­daism places a lot of im­por­tance on fam­i­ly and main­tain­ing close ties with your rel­a­tives. Ask any Jew about their most mem­o­rable Jew­ish tra­di­tions, and each oc­ca­sion will in­volve fam­i­ly mem­bers. Passover Seders at your grand­par­ents’ house, light­ing Chanukah can­dles with your el­ders, or eat­ing Shab­bat and oth­er Jew­ish meals at home all em­pha­sise the sig­nif­i­cance of fam­i­ly in Jew­ish rituals.

Fam­i­ly trees all be­gin with the sign­ing of a ke­tubah. For cou­ples who want to pay homage to their fam­i­ly and an­ces­tors, a bloom­ing fam­i­ly tree is the per­fect sym­bol. The same goes for peo­ple who want to ded­i­cate their ke­tubah to fu­ture generations.

A fam­i­ly tree ke­tubah sounds like a Pin­ter­est project, with pic­tures and em­bell­ish­ments. As fas­ci­nat­ing as that sounds, it’s not sus­tain­able. Ke­tubahs are meant to last for­ev­er, which is why you should con­sid­er a high-qual­i­ty ke­tubah il­lus­trat­ed and paint­ed by pro­fes­sion­al artists. You can fur­ther cus­tomise your ke­tubah by adding unique el­e­ments spe­cial to your fam­i­ly as adorn­ments to the tree branch­es, like your grand­fa­ther’s fa­vorite bird or the ros­es your moth­er likes to grow in her backyard.

Ke­tubahs are no longer a doc­u­ment you roll up and lock in a safe­ty de­posit box, but a work of art with unique mean­ing and sig­nif­i­cance etched in­to every word and stroke. Fam­i­ly tree ke­tubahs will al­ways re­mind you and your chil­dren of the most im­por­tant thing in life — family!


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