Text Op­tions

Find­ing the right text for you and your part­ner is so im­por­tant. That’s why we have 100+ dif­fer­ent texts available!!

Check out our MOST POP­U­LAR TEXTS in both He­brew and Eng­lish in the PDF below.

From the tra­di­tion­al Ara­ma­ic to the Con­ser­v­a­tive Lieber­man to the any oth­er text you’d like to use!

Want to in­clude a text in Span­ish, French, Russ­ian, Chi­nese? We can do it!

Want it with or with­out the Lieber­man Clause? Done!

Want to use the Rab­binic Coun­cil of Amer­i­ca or the Rab­binic As­sem­bly or the Is­raeli texts? We have all of them!

Want to use your own text? Def­i­nite­ly!

Mak­ing your Ke­tubah per­fect is what we’re all about and we’ll ob­sess over it to make it happen! :-)

You can al­so view our full list­ing of texts here. And if you have any more ques­tions, just ask us here!

Our Most Pop­u­lar Texts:

Down­load (PDF, 128KB)

We will write, and/or trans­late, any text for you for your Ke­tubah — Just Ask Lucy!