Pa­per­cranes III Ketubah

Created by: Tinak
Size:16" x 24" (Other sizes available)
Material: Verona Giclée (Other materials available)
Price: $290
Personalization: $75 (Optional) Read more
Shipping: $18 or free domestic USA non-rush shipping with personalization (international & rush available)

Artist Statement

Pa­per­cranes is a clas­sic in the Japan­ese art of origa­mi. Ac­cord­ing to Japan­ese leg­ends, a per­son who cre­ates a thou­sand pa­per­cranes is grant­ed a wish. But to­wards the end of World War II, the fold­ed cranes be­gan to al­so rep­re­sent a hope for peace. Pa­per­cranes have been an en­dur­ing pres­ence in Japan­ese his­to­ry chang­ing mean­ing, but nev­er form. 

The Ke­tubah is per­fect for cou­ples who val­ue sim­plic­i­ty and are fans of min­im­il­ism. The dan­gling pa­per­cranes above the text rep­re­sents en­dur­ing love and peace which will stay con­stant as time moves on. 

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