The Ethe­re­al Land­scape — Mars Ketubah

Created by: Tinak
Size:16" x 24" (Other sizes available)
Material: Verona Giclée (Other materials available)
Price: $290
Personalization: $75 (Optional) Read more
Shipping: $18 or free domestic USA non-rush shipping with personalization (international & rush available)

Artist Statement

A ce­les­tial in­spired Ke­tubah fea­tures the rusty land­scape of Mars in shades of ma­gen­ta and plum in con­trast with a bright gold. The gold­en cen­tre of the Ke­tubah rep­re­sents the sun’s light ra­di­at­ing from across the galaxy on the sur­face of the red plan­et. The gold­en star sym­bol­izes God from a bib­li­cal per­spec­tive and floods the hori­zon. This Ke­tubah is per­fect for cou­ples who are unique and out-of-this-world. Their re­la­tion­ship may be com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent from the norm, yet they hold God firm­ly at the cen­tre of their core. 

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