The Rec­tan­gu­lar Col­or Study Ketubah

Created by: Tinak
Size:16" x 24" (Other sizes available)
Material: Verona Giclée (Other materials available)
Price: $290
Personalization: $75 (Optional) Read more
Shipping: $18 or free domestic USA non-rush shipping with personalization (international & rush available)

Artist Statement

The Rec­tan­gu­lar Col­or Study Ke­tubah is the lat­est in our se­ries that calls on the work of avant-guarde mae­stro and Jew­ish émi­gré Mark Rothko. A mix of both warm and cool palates al­low this Ke­tubah to evoke a range of emo­tions while ex­per­i­ment­ing with strong com­pli­ments, con­trasts and color.

Like our oth­er Rothko-es­que work, our Ke­tubot of this style bring to­geth­er the bold con­trasts and blend­ed lines, which speak to the pow­er and emo­tion of love. From deep pur­ples to rich or­ange and blue which seems to pop off the page, the Rec­tan­gu­lar Col­or Study Ke­tubah is es­sen­tial for fi­ancés who love the mod­ern aesthetic.

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