The Stars in the Sky Ketubah

Created by: Tinak
Size:16" x 24" (Other sizes available)
Material: Verona Giclée (Other materials available)
Price: $290
Personalization: $75 (Optional) Read more
Shipping: $18 or free domestic USA non-rush shipping with personalization (international & rush available)

Artist Statement

In the ear­ly days of our peo­ple, Abra­ham was chat­ting with God, who promised to make the Jew­ish peo­ple, “as nu­mer­ous as the stars in the sky, and as the sand on the seashore.” It’s been a long time since that con­ver­sa­tion, but you can find a Jew in al­most every city on earth—and a hot bowl of Matzah Ball soup! The Stars in the Sky Ke­tubah, with its awe-in­spir­ing view of the galaxy and the uni­verse, speaks not on­ly of God’s promise to the Jew­ish Peo­ple, but the won­der and heav­en­ly feel­ing of be­ing in love. Any Ke­tubah text you choose is beau­ti­ful­ly framed by a de­sign in­spired by im­ages de­liv­ered from the far reach­es of the universe—and the beau­ty of your wed­ding day, from a ce­les­tial perspective.

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