Text Per­son­al­iza­tion


Gold­en Tree can op­tion­al­ly per­son­al­ize any Ketubah.

What is personalization?

The tra­di­tion­al ke­tubah text — and mod­ern ver­sions of it, too — come with blanks in the text, to fill in the names of the cou­ple, their par­ents, the lo­ca­tion, etc. “On ________ [in­sert date here], the groom _________ [in­sert name here] and the bride _________ [in­sert name here].…”. Some rab­bis, by tra­di­tion and con­ven­tion, fill in the text them­selves. But oth­er cou­ples and rab­bis pre­fer it when we use our dig­i­tal cal­lig­ra­phy to fill it in our­selves — so the text is all con­sis­tent and even, and the on­ly writ­ing any­one needs to do when they sign the ke­tubah is sign their names!

But don’t wor­ry: if we do the per­son­al­iza­tion for you, then we ver­i­fy it with you and your rab­bi in or­der to en­sure it is 100% per­fect be­fore we print it.

The cost of the per­son­al­iza­tion is $75 (ex­cept rush per­son­al­iza­tion — with­in the last 3 weeks be­fore the wed­ding — has a $15 rush fee, for a to­tal cost of $90).